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History of Meadville, Pennsylvania

In 1778, David Mead and his three brothers were among Meadville’s first settlers, then named “Mead’s Settlement”. Ten years later wives and families arrived. The town development was hampered for 10 years because of Indian hostilities. June 3rd, 1795 was the last recorded demonstration of Indian hostility. www.crawfordhistorical.org


In 1753, 21 year old George Washington, acting on an order from Virginia Governor Robert Dinwiddie, set out to deliver a message to the French ordering them to evacuate the region of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. Washington encountered “excessive rains and vast quantities of snow”. He was also shot at by an Indian near Harmony, Pennsylvania. Washington reported back to the Governor on January 16th, 1754 that the French intended to stay and this marked the beginning of the French and Indian war. Today you can follow Washington’s trail by signs erected along his first military mission. The trails lead you through various parts of Crawford County. www.frenchandindianwar250.org





Atlantic & Great Western RR Meadville Station


During the 1800’s and early 1900’s the railroad industry was a prominent part of Crawford County, PA. Some of the most prominent railways of that day were: Atlantic and Great Western Railroad, Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad and the Erie railroad just to name a few. The Erie railway passenger station was established in Meadville in 1893. (For a detailed list of railway interaction in Meadville/ Crawford County please go to the following website.) http://www.fcvrrhs.org


Due to the strong influence of the railway industry in Crawford County, the French Creek Valley Railroad Historical Society was created in 1996 and is located in Meadville. To date the society has begun initiation on designing a railroad museum which will include a like model of the Meadville railway from 1945 to 1955.



The historic district of Meadville was placed on the “National Registry of Historic Places” in 1984. There are architectural styles from the 1800’s-1940. Allegheny College was founded in 1815 and is the oldest college west of the Allegheny Mountains. This district represents a century of growth of county, government, commerce and industry. Meadville is known as the “Tool City” with many skilled tool and die craftsmen. The production of Talon “zippers” which began in Meadville is known worldwide although they are no longer in production. www.visitcrawford.org



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