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Emergency Medical Services

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

Emergency Medical Services for the city of Meadville is headquartered at Emmco West Inc. 16271 Conneaut Lake Road Meadville, Pa. Phone (814) 337-5380. Emmco West Inc is in charge of training and continuing education for the paramedics and emergency medical technicians of not only Meadville but also of the entire Northwestern portion of the state of Pennsylvania. There are approximately 10 emergency medical sites in close proximity of the Meadville area. Please see: ___http://google.com/mapshl=en&lr=&q=emergency+medical+services&near=Mead...


All EMS training in the state of Pennsylvania falls under act 45 of the 1985 EMS systems ACT which provides the foundation for the development, maintenance and funding of the commonwealth's emergency medical service system.

For detailed explanation please see: http://www.emmco/org/ems_planning_objectives.htm


Emergency Medical Services and training for Meadville and also for the entire state of Pennsylvania is of course also regulated by the State Department of Health. The State D.O.H. sets forth guidelines for research, incident reporting, adverse drug reactions, quality improvement, training protocols, regional EMS councils, numerous training guidelines, development council plans, continuing education guidelines, learning management system guidelines (online CEU's), And numerous other protocols and programs.

please see: http://dsf.health.state.pa.us/health/cwp/view.asp?a=170&q=237548&healthRNavra...

The headquarters for Emergency Management in Meadville is located at 903 Diamond Park, Meadville, pa. Phone: (814) 337-7317. This is a type of command post set up in case of emergency or natural disaster wher Fire/Police and EMS/Rescue can be centrally located to handle emergency calls and responses. Meadville and the surrounding area has various travelways in and out of the city as evidenced by the primary and secondary roads and railways.

please see: http://google.commaps?q=Meadville,+PA&ie=UTF&z=12&11=41.646236,-80.15...


another site of interest to visit may be: www.fema.gov/emergency/nims/ind

also you may wish to visit: www.co.crawford.pa.us/Emergency_services/LEPC.htm

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