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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

Meadville, Pennsylvania


The climate of the Meadville area is typical of the Northeastern Great Lakes Region. The residents of this region truly experience all four seasons. Based on data from over 4000 weather stations the following graphs give a typical presentation of average temperatures, precipitation, snowfall, sunny and cloudy days.

  • Another interesting note, Tornado activity in the region is 4% above the national average.


Meadville Weather

Avg. High313444566877817872614836
Avg. Low141424324251565548383121
Avg. Precip. in.

degrees in Fahrenheit


Information retrieved 11/12/2006 from http://countrystudies.us.united-states/weather/pennsylvania/meadville.htm





Information retrieved 10/9/2006 from http://www.city-data.com/city/Meadville-Pennsylvania.html



  • Meadville, PA is part of what is called a Snowbelt Region

Meadville, PA is down wind of Lake Erie. When cold air moves across the warm water of the lake it picks up moisture. When this air reaches land it releases this moisture usually in the form of snow. The Great Lakes will produce this "Lake effect snow" throughout the winter months, as well as keeping cloudy skies in the forecast. As you can see on the graph above, there are few days with sunny skies during the winter months.


Information retrieved 10/9/2006 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowbelt

Comments (2)

Anonymous said

at 12:13 pm on Nov 11, 2006

I love your maps. There is a lot of information in them plus they are very easy to interpret.

Anonymous said

at 2:16 pm on Nov 12, 2006

I think it would have been interesting to get a brief explanation on this page about the snow-belt effect. I lived in Erie for many years and saw the discrepency of total snowfall amount between the city of Erie and areas south of I 90.
Mary Esther Rodgers

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